Exploration and practice of teaching reform based on CDIO mechanical undergraduate courses

  The nesting of CDIO engineering education model and undergraduate mechanical teaching

  1. CDIO engineering education model.

CDIO engineering education model is a new engineering education concept proposed by the engineering education reform team formed by four universities including MIT and Royal Institute of Technology in the United States, which has been continuously developed and advocated. It aims at cultivating engineering ability and divides the ability of engineering graduates into 4 levels: engineering theoretical knowledge, personal ability, interpersonal communication and teamwork ability and enterprise engineering system operation ability, covering 17 different major abilities, and subdividing them into more specific 73 different skills at the executive operation level.

The practice of foreign higher engineering colleges and universities proves that engineering students who have been fully trained in these 4 levels in schools implementing CDIO engineering education mode have good employment prospect and are mostly employed in large multinational companies.

  2. CDIO project teaching system for mechanical engineering undergraduate majors.

The implementation of CDIO engineering education mode must be deeply integrated with the teaching content of the major and given new connotation and characteristics. effective nesting.

  In the teaching of mechanical undergraduate majors, the CDIO engineering education mode is taken as the platform, the life cycle of mechanical products from R&D to operation is taken as the carrier, the students are the center, the cultivation of engineering ability is the goal, and “projects” and “micro-projects” are used as the means to integrate the basic knowledge and basic theories of mechanical field with the teaching contents of mechanical undergraduate majors. The basic knowledge and basic theories in mechanical field are combined in the four stages of “project” and “micro-project”: conception of scheme principle, design of assembly drawing and parts drawing, implementation of parts production and product sales and after-sale, which gives a new dimension to the four stages of conception, design, implementation and operation in CDIO engineering education mode. It gives new connotation to the four stages of conception, design, implementation and operation in CDIO engineering education mode, realizes the organic combination of CDIO engineering education mode and teaching in mechanical field, and forms the CDIO (Mechanical CDIO, M-CDIO) project teaching system in mechanical engineering field with the following characteristics.

  1. Good engineering ability cultivation.

In the M-CDIO project teaching system, with the implementation of “projects” and “micro-projects” combining basic knowledge and fundamental theories in mechanical field, students’ engineering theoretical knowledge, individual ability, interpersonal communication and teamwork ability and enterprise engineering system operation ability are all cultivated. The students’ engineering theoretical knowledge, individual ability, interpersonal communication and teamwork ability and enterprise engineering system operation ability are trained comprehensively, systematically and concretely, which cultivate engineering skilled talents with strong engineering ability to meet the needs of modern society and modern engineering and meet the orientation and talent cultivation target of China’s applied colleges and universities.

  2. “Contextual” and “experiential” learning environment of engineering theoretical knowledge.

In M-CDIO project teaching system, students form learning groups and learn basic knowledge and basic theory in mechanical field through mutual division of labor and collaboration to complete “projects” and “micro-projects”, which changes the traditional way of “memorization, examination and certification”. It changes the traditional mode of learning engineering theoretical knowledge for the purpose of “memorization, examination and certificate”, provides students with the situation of learning in learning and learning in using, realizes the organic connection and positive interaction between theory and practice, makes the knowledge come from practice and go back to practice, which is in line with the philosophy of understanding and practice.

  3. The “student-centered, teacher-led” teaching mode.

In the M-CDIO project teaching system, students should be the center, and “projects” and “micro-projects” should be used as the grasp, and several “projects” and “micro-projects” combining different basic knowledge and skills of the courses should be set up according to the characteristics of each course in mechanical engineering. “Projects” and “micro-projects” are set up for each course of mechanical engineering. In the course, the basic concepts and knowledge points of the course are firstly explained through the lectures of teachers, and then students are allowed to complete these “projects” and “micro-projects” to reproduce and consolidate the knowledge of the course, so that some abstract concepts are made concrete and the knowledge and theories abstracted from practice in the past are brought back to engineering. Then students can complete these “projects” and “micro-projects” to reproduce and consolidate course knowledge, so that some abstract concepts can be made concrete and the knowledge and theories obtained from the past abstraction in practice can return to the engineering practice and guide the practice.

  The implementation process of M-CDIO project teaching system in mechanical engineering undergraduate program

  Mechanical systems are generally composed of subsystems such as power system, transmission system, execution and control system. Graduates of mechanical undergraduate majors should have the basic ability to conceive, design, manufacture and operate mechanical systems independently according to the functions of mechanical systems, so as to provide society and enterprises with high-quality and efficient mechanical products with good quality and low price. If the complete presentation of the function and structure of mechanical system is regarded as a big “project”, the presentation of the function and structure of the sub-system in the system can be regarded as a “micro-project”. The key to the implementation of M-CDIO project teaching system lies in the concrete implementation and completion of “projects” and “micro-projects”, roughly through the following process.   

1.Overall program principle design.

According to the functional requirements of the mechanical system, determine the basic working principle of the mechanical system, and then obtain the technical system to complete the function, determine the overall main parameters and structural layout design, form the overall scheme design and structural layout of the mechanical system, while preparing the overall design report and technical specifications, for the smooth implementation and completion of the “project”. Lay the foundation for the smooth implementation and completion of the project.

  2. Schematic design of the “micro-project”.

According to the composition of the mechanical system, design the scheme principle to realize the function of each sub-system, determine the specific mechanism to realize each function, form the mechanism schematic diagram, and prepare the “micro-project” scheme design report and technical specification. For example, whether the motor is an electric motor or an internal combustion engine, what kind of mechanism is used for the transmission system and the execution system, and whether the drive is centralized or decentralized, etc. “The functional principle and structural design of the micro-project serve the overall function of the project and are bound by the overall structure layout of the project.

  3. Engineering design of “project” and “micro-project”.

According to the drawings and design reports formed in the previous two steps, the detailed technical and structural design of the “project” and “micro-project” is carried out, and the final design of the “project” and “micro-project” is obtained. The general assembly drawing, subassembly drawing, parts drawing and design specification of the “project” and “microproject” are finally obtained.

  4. “Project”, “micro-project” manufacturing process, tooling design.

According to the existing manufacturing process level and the technical requirements of the design, design the manufacturing process and assembly process of the parts and the corresponding fixtures. Form the complete manufacturing process of the “project” and “micro-project”, and prepare manufacturing process procedures and technical documents, such as drawing process diagrams, making process cards, and determining cutting parameters. Finally, we can get the mechanical products that can complete the intended functions.

  5. “Project” and “micro-project” process management and operation.

Due to the division of labor and collaboration of the team, the above process is inseparable from the process management and operation of “projects” and “micro-projects”. Process management and operation can make the “project”, “micro-project” in order, step by step, purposefully go hand in hand, without the phenomenon of “short legs”, shorten The process of “projects” and “micro-projects” is shortened. At the same time, the process management and operation is also related to the later marketing and after-sales service of mechanical products and other business processes, and also closely related to the students’ personal organization, communication, communication and collaboration skills.

  In the above process, the first and second steps are the design stage of the “project”, which is the C stage of the M-CDIO project teaching system, i.e. the conception stage; the third step is the design stage of the “project” drawing structure, which is the D stage of the M-CDIO project teaching system, i.e. the design stage. The fourth step is the manufacturing stage of the project, which belongs to the I stage of the M-CDIO project teaching system, that is, the implementation stage; the fifth step is the marketing and after-sales service stage of the project, which belongs to the O stage of the M-CDIO project teaching system. The fifth step is the marketing and after-sales service stage of the project, which is the O stage of the M-CDIO project teaching system, that is, the operation stage.

In the M-CDIO project teaching system, with the implementation and completion of a series of “projects” and “micro-projects” which combine the basic knowledge and skills of mechanical professions, students will not only improve their engineering theoretical knowledge, personal ability, interpersonal communication and teamwork ability, but also their ability to operate the enterprise engineering system. The students not only get comprehensive, systematic and specific training in four levels: engineering theoretical knowledge, individual ability, interpersonal communication and teamwork ability and enterprise engineering system operation ability, but also get familiar with the operation process of “projects” and “micro-projects” and simulate the operation process of enterprise projects, so that students can better understand and integrate into enterprises after graduation and They can find the ideal jobs after graduation.

  Effectiveness of implementing M-CDIO project teaching system for undergraduate majors in mechanical engineering

  Since our university became one of the first pilot schools in China, the School of Mechanical Engineering has always adhered to the CDIO engineering education mode in teaching, and after seven or eight years of exploration and practice, it has formed its own characteristic M-CDIO project teaching system, which is reflected in such hard indicators as students’ make-up examination rate, participation in subject competitions and students’ employment rate.

Since the implementation of M-CDIO project teaching system, the basic courses such as theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanical principles, mechanical design, etc. are subjects with high make-up examination rate, but in the past 4 years, the make-up examination rate of students has been decreasing year by year, and the number of students participating in discipline competitions has been increasing year by year, and the quality of awards has been improved. The average employment rate of mechanical engineering undergraduates not only increased from 86.6% in 2012 to 95.69% in 2015, but also increased by nearly 10 percentage points, which is a considerable result.

  Summing up

  CDIO engineering education mode is the latest achievement of international engineering education reform and also the direction of China’s higher engineering education reform.M-CDIO project teaching system is based on the platform of CDIO engineering education mode, the life cycle of mechanical product development to product operation as the carrier, student-centered, with engineering ability cultivation as the goal, and “project “

The basic knowledge and basic theories of mechanical field are combined in the conception of the scheme principle, the design of assembly diagram and parts diagram, and the design of the micro-project. It gives a new connotation to the four stages of conception, design, implementation and operation in CDIO engineering education mode, and realizes the organic combination of CDIO engineering education mode and teaching in mechanical field.

M-CDIO project teaching system not only systematically solves the problem of students’ emphasis on knowledge learning but not on knowledge application, but also deepens students’ understanding of knowledge through doing “projects” and “micro-projects”, and then cures it into students’ ability, which is in line with the principle of “thick foundation, strong foundation” of applied undergraduate universities. This is in line with the talent cultivation goal of “thick foundation and strong ability” of applied undergraduate universities.

Therefore, the implementation and application of M-CDIO project teaching system provides a case study and reference for the reform of higher engineering education in China.